Losing productivity due to product failure can not only cost businesses thousands in lost revenue, but inhibit the project from being delivered on time. ENZED®CONNECTED provides time critical information to assist decision makers with delivering projects on time.

Glennos Constructions is a family owned business based in Unanderra, New South Wales with over 50 years in the civil construction industry. Working on bulk earthworks, roads, bridges and wastewater projects with engineers and project managers, their reputation is paramount to their success.

Nick Mowbray, Workshop Manager at Glennos knows only too well how important it is to have the most up-to-date information available when a seemingly small, low-cost breakdown occurs. Downtime could result in a delay and with tight deadlines in place any delay could have a substantial flow on effect to the delivering of a project.

ENZED CONNECTED has removed the stress and uncertainly onsite with real-time updates being sent directly to Nick’s mobile so he knows when his ENZED HOSE DOCTOR® will be onsite. Having this information available allows Nick and the team at Glennos Constructions to make time critical decisions.

Nick says “if one excavator were to breakdown while loading dump trucks that are carting to a fill site then not only have we lost one machine but we have also stopped two dump trucks and a compactor, when you add up the cost of these large machines sitting idle a seemingly low-cost breakdown can end up costing thousands. For us, knowing when a HOSE DOCTOR will be onsite is valuable and provides our site supervisors live information so they can make an informed decision to avoid any unnecessary and costly delays.”

With no downloading of apps, and a text sent directly to your smart phone ENZED is keeping you CONNECTED. For more information on how you can get CONNECTED chat with your local ENZED on 0800 436 933 today.

“We’ve used other hose and fitting providers for the past 10 years, but with CONNECTED we can plan and evolve according to every situation in a matter of seconds, with the added bonus of being easy and effective to use, this makes ENZED the industry leader”.