At ENZED we make it even easier to connect with your HOSE DOCTOR via ENZED CONNECTED. Using smartphone technology ENZED CONNECTED provides you with up-to-date data and greater visibility than ever before, right in the palm of your hand.  

ENZED has revolutionised the mobile Hose & Fitting market with the introduction of ENZED CONNECTED. ENZED CONNECTED gives you real connectivity with your ENZED HOSE DOCTOR every step of the way. CONNECTED takes away the guess work as to when your HOSE DOCTOR will arrive.

With the support from an ENZED Service Centre, coupled with the trusted and peronsalised service you receive support every HOSE DOCTOR, couple this support with the trusted and personalised service you receive from an ENZED HOSE DOCTOR, and you will soon realise your business is in the right hands.

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